10 Healthiest Foods You Should Eat Everyday! | Health Attack
Health Attack says,
The idea to move towards a healthy lifestyle from tomorrow has been so stable for the past couple of years, see you still say that you'll start from tomorrow! Okay, we aren’t trying to remind you of your failed promises rather we are here to help you out of this rut. With a handful of healthy foods by your side,you can win this battle. Emperor, we are ready with the list, you can attack right now!

Number 10. Avocado
Talking about the list of healthy foods and missing out avocado, that’s not done! We aren’t making this blunder so here it is with a whole lot of benefits, ready to be devoured by you! Packed with many vitamins and minerals, avocado makes it to salads on a daily basis. That creamy texture, awesome taste and good fats, you don’t get that deal so often! Name a fruit with a high content of potassium. You’d say banana, won’t you? But avocados beat them any day, so any change in your favorite fruit now?

Number 9. Sweet potato
What is a nutrient rich, inexpensive and readily available vegetable? You got that right buddy, it’s sweet potato indeed! N number of vitamins and minerals reside in this one veggie, leaving you with little chance to overlook it! You can easily rock your eyes, digestion and blood pressure with this sweetie! What is that one disease the world fears so much now? Cancer might be the obvious answer but the catch here is that sweet potato can help you beat this monstrous disease. Can you believe that?

Number 8. Garlic
Uhmm that might not be so appetizing, keeping in mind the taste and smell of this kitchen spice but like it or not, garlic makes it to this list! Would you believe us if we told you that garlic has all three of anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties? Multi- talented, we could say! Other than reducing your risk of colon cancer,it can also reduce your cholesterol and blood pressure. Like the ideal buddy, it keeps your heart in a good condition. Do we want more?

Number 7. Salmon
A fatty fish on the list of healthy foods? We aren’t losing our mind people; salmons so much more than just a fatty fish! You wouldn’t find another food with so many vitamins, minerals and proteins packed in it. But don’t be fooled by that pink salmon you see in supermarkets these days, they are dyed! The good old organically farmed salmon has important omega 3 fatty acids which prevent cardiovascular and brain diseases, blood clot sand inflammation! Also eating salmon ensures that your bone sand insulin levels are normal. Too much work for a tiny fish!

Number 6. Dark chocolate
Yummmmm… ahem, time to come back from the day dreaming session. If you are on a diet and have been cutting chocolates so much that just the mention of one leaves you craving, we have good news! High content of soluble fiber, a lot of mineral sand tons of anti-oxidants are at your disposal when you decide to delve into the taste of a dark chocolate with 70% cocoa. It not only lowers your risk of cardiovascular diseases but also improves blood flow and protects your skin from sun! Well, the sad news is that it comes with a lot of calories so moderation is the key here!

Number 5. Beetroots
You definitely are incorporating beetroots in your next salad, there is no way you are ignoring such a nutritious item! Apart from lowering blood pressure and inflammation,they are ideal to treat cancer. Beetroots are important for boosting stamina,supporting detoxification, improving immunity and bone health. But there is a negative side also, due to high content of sugar in this veggie you shouldn’t ingest tons of it in one go! So what’s going into your breakfast juice tomorrow?
Number 4. Almond
Maybe snacking on a handful of almonds isn’t a bad choice! These rich nuts are tasty and now that they have made it to the list of healthy foods, you’ve got another reason to much on them! Since they are packed with omega 3 fatty acids,they reduce blood pressure, blood sugar level and body fat. That’s not all, almonds are great for your bones and teeth in addition to boosting your immune system and brain activity! Ever wondered why you jump up with energy after munching on them? Yea, it’s the content of magnesium and copper in almonds, wow!

Number 3. Lemon
Did you imagine the humble lemon to make it to this list? Yea, we know you’ve been drinking lemon with water early in the morning to lose weight but there’s much more to this citrus ball! From indigestion to dental problems and from throat infection to fever, lemon cures it all! Change your taste to tangy right in the morning and keep your immune system on point. Want more benefits? It acts as a blood purifier, treats kidney stones and reduces strokes. Did we forget to mention that it has reserves of various vitamins and minerals?

Number 2. Spinach
Yea, you aren’t leaving your greens to rot away in the kitchen, time to eat them! What comes to your mind when we talk of healthy greens? It’s obviously spinach, thanks to Popeye the sailor man! You might not get instantly so strong like him but that does not mean it isn’t a health package for you! With plenty of vitamins and minerals packed in the leaves, spinach improves muscle efficiency, blood flow and digestion. The tons of anti-oxidants in spinach help to fight against cancer, now that’s not a bad deal!

Number 1. Broccoli
We know you are going to make a face at that but taste takes a back seat when health is the agenda! A medium stalk of broccoli can fulfill your daily needs of both Vitamin K and C, both of which are essential for bone building! Broccoli has anti- inflammatory properties and has a deep connection with detoxification and Cancer. Omega 3 fatty acids and anti- oxidants present in broccoli have their numerous health benefits, no doubt about that!
We see some love rising in your eyes for this much hated veggie, good days are back! Which of these foods is making its place in your daily platter? Tell us in the comment section below. Subscribe to our channel if you liked this article. And while you're here, check out our other Articles and tell us what you think of them. You can also find us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Thanks for reading.
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